Meet with inner being

I was doing sitting meditation, it's been a while since I last sit, even so I find it easier to sit nowadays all because of a simple understanding I learn from practicing Abraham's being aware of my emotion, nothing is more important than that I feel good. So I tend to my feelings first, feel good than sit.

I had this experience the second time. some quiet clear like space knowing. Seems that I can get any answer I want from it, and I feel blissful just being with it, so quiet, peaceful feeling without any thinking. Just sit there with my bare knowing. I can't wait to tell my wife of my progress. So useful, this state, and it even relate to some scripture we'd learnt. But lucky for me, my old understanding of some principal didn't fade away yet, so with my habit to reflect any situation and any experience I may have, I reflected on this experience as well. A simple flaw I find with this experience, what I can see is duality, so it cannot be me or cannot be my inner being that I am searching for. It may very well be useful state, but it is still a state created by my mind.

Many teaching teach ways to realize the truth, to find your true self. One simple way to examine the genuineness of the experience is to ask a simple question; is this experience that I have depend on any situation for it to sustain, or does it need a certain state for it to occur? If so, it is not the ultimate realization, because whatever arises soon ceases.

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