Taking full responsibility

Taking full responsibility of our lives is like a chant that I keep in my mind for a long time. I thought I was taking responsibility of my life, I believed in it. I learnt this theory since I started joining a Buddhist association. It was like nearly twenty years ago. I said that because that was when the idea was given to me in a properly laid out form, I should have

had this idea long before that, so for me to accept the idea was not difficult at all. In Buddhism there is a saying that one who eat are the one who satisfied her hunger, one who practise the Dhamma are the one who solved the suffering of rebirth. Kind of plain and simple theory, so I took it without given it a second thought.

Than I go to some Zen retreat, it was Korean style Zen. Zen master always said, the sutra is only Buddha’s idea not yours, it can not help you, you must find your own answer. My agreement in that notion take a step further and I can agree that any teaching is only finger pointing to the real answer. Also in Kalama Sutra said, don’t simply believe what other said trust your own experience, whether it lessen your sufferings or added more to it. Not your master not even the Buddha you should trust but your own soul, not even when the teaching sounds logical. I can accept that, but only do not understand what is the meaning of not trusting logic. As far as I know I accept the Buddha Dhamma because of logic, and with that sound logic I lay the foundation of my believe in this religion. So as usual I just leave it till the day I can fully comprehend.

Than I came to learn the teachings of Abraham, she says that your mind or your thinking made your reality, you have no other way but only to take full responsibility of your own life, sounds great, resonance with my thought. so accepting is yet another easy task. Even the Buddha himself said that only the mind that created all things.

Until today I overheard a lady ask Abraham about her son pointing out that she is not in a good situation and that is her attraction, she argue that she is not the only one that vibrate (thinking and feeling that is) but the whole group does so she is not to blame for that situation, and Abraham point out that no matter what happen in our life we are to take full responsibility because whatever experience we had is our vibration and attraction. Now I starts to feel deeply about this and realised the extent of it, to take full responsibility of my own life is to not have any bits of blameful thought towards others, totally accept, yes! I am the one responsible for what happened.

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