Focus wheel and letting go

I used to stressed the important of tackling the bull by the horn. My wife used to tell me that Lester said that one way of letting your inner being help you is to let go of your thought. I cannot agree with her, because Abraham said that when you are in that bad feeling vibration, and if you don’t do anything about it it will get bigger. Even though I can agree that keeping a don’t know mind can help, because Abraham used to encourage that if you feel bad, try to meditate and keeping a no thinking mind and your cock will bob right back up. So I say that distraction can help, but if you keep don’t know mind and still feel bad than you’ve got to do something about it. I guess that words don’t teach, as Abraham stated before.


Recently I have an issue. I did some mistake many years back and recently have to confront with the mistake I’ve made. This I can say is the most difficult time of my life. The problem and the person involved keep chasing me like a mad dog, barking unceasingly. Come to think about it now, even though the problem haven’t been solve yet, only I am now able to escape the negative emotion, actually it was my mind mostly are barking at me, the person bark, oh she holler at me few times a month, but I cannot say “unceasingly” though.

Any way, I know I cannot not directing my thought and keep feeling bad, I have too many proof that Law Of Attraction really works and I have no intention to fool around with it. So I keep doing focus wheel, but that thinking keep coming at me to the point that I have no choice but to keep doing many many focus wheel, I feel the relief and than back again, feel some relief and than back again, the good thing is that it manage to give me a sense of control over the situation, and on the other hand my wife’s manage to keep herself in the Vortex most of the time, and her vibration do help me a lot, I can’t explain, just being with her sooth me a little. So I keep going at it until a kind of saturated feeling or maybe thinking fill me up, and it starts to make sense to me that just let go of the thought and I can feel good, just let go, at the moment of stopping that very same though about the problem I get a sense of relief, so at this moment I also do some translation on a video about Abraham talking about the Stream, and at the end of the talk she stress that to just let go of the beating drum of thinking of the bad feeling thought and the stream will take you, and once it turn your canoe you will feel a sense of relief. I am so happy now that my experience help me to grasp this massage. Thank you my lovely wife, thank you Abraham.

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