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Meet with inner being

I was doing sitting meditation, it's been a while since I last sit, even so I find it easier to sit nowadays all because of a simple understanding I learn from practicing Abraham's being aware of my emotion, nothing is more important than that I feel good. So I tend to my feelings first, feel good than sit.

I had this experience the second time. some quiet clear like space knowing. Seems that I can get any answer I want from it, and I feel blissful just being with it, so quiet, peaceful feeling without any thinking. Just sit there with my bare knowing. I can't wait to tell my wife of my progress. So useful, this state, and it even relate to some scripture we'd learnt. But lucky for me, my old understanding of some principal didn't fade away yet, so with my habit to reflect any situation and any experience I may have, I reflected on this experience as well. A simple flaw I find with this experience, what I can see is duality, so it cannot be me or cannot be my inner being that I am searching for. It may very well be useful state, but it is still a state created by my mind.

Many teaching teach ways to realize the truth, to find your true self. One simple way to examine the genuineness of the experience is to ask a simple question; is this experience that I have depend on any situation for it to sustain, or does it need a certain state for it to occur? If so, it is not the ultimate realization, because whatever arises soon ceases.
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Focus wheel and letting go

I used to stressed the important of tackling the bull by the horn. My wife used to tell me that Lester said that one way of letting your inner being help you is to let go of your thought. I cannot agree with her, because Abraham said that when you are in that bad feeling vibration, and if you don’t do anything about it it will get bigger. Even though I can agree that keeping a don’t know mind can help, because Abraham used to encourage that if you feel bad, try to meditate and keeping a no thinking mind and your cock will bob right back up. So I say that distraction can help, but if you keep don’t know mind and still feel bad than you’ve got to do something about it. I guess that words don’t teach, as Abraham stated before.

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Wake up middle of night feeling empty

I had an in law, married for 20 years, with two children, one boy one girl. They have a three stories bungalow, husband sometime work out station, never heard of any misbehavior. No heavy debts that they need to repay, she also has a car, can travel anytime she wants, also has a motor bike, a cub. She wrote to my wife saying that she is not happy, she felt her husband don't love like he used to, when in fact her husband will came home and cook for her and the family meals that he tasted while he is away, he will always ask for recipe anytime he tasted anything good so that when he come home he can cook for his family to try. Many people will gladly exchange place with her, and here she was saying she is miserable and wanted to leave her husband, saying that love is gone.
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Questions for the angels

Questions for the angels
Who believes in angels?
Fools do
Fools and pilgrims all over the world

Fools believes in angels? In the teachings of the lord Buddha, there’s a phrase that even some of his disciples todays don’t believe, he says:”all are made from mind alone.” So if anyone truly believes in angles, there surely will be angles for him, and if he believes that angles will help him, he will get help.


I believe in this notion of mind alone made everything, and

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Music is the "feel" in the vortex

We build our value system around physical manifestation, so we tend to put off doing some things that we like to do. All because it seems unproductive with doing what we like to do. Actually it might as well be the most correct thing to do at the time, and it wasn't sway out of the center of our life, it is the center of our life. It secure us of the good feeling that all we wanted rest upon.

Music is some thing I like doing long time ago. I said long time ago because I haven't been doing for long time.
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Taking full responsibility

Taking full responsibility of our lives is like a chant that I keep in my mind for a long time. I thought I was taking responsibility of my life, I believed in it. I learnt this theory since I started joining a Buddhist association. It was like nearly twenty years ago. I said that because that was when the idea was given to me in a properly laid out form, I should have

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Anything new is good

Anything new is good, we got excited over it, exhilarating, promise good promises, and resort to do it (there is this word again, "do it!") big. Many years later, suddenly discover that we did not follow through with it. We'll most probably feel guilty and regret. That is the common scenario. Don't agree with me? As I search through Blogger, trying to find a suitable name for this blog, I came across many left unattended forgotten blogsss. Of course, here the first day of this blog, I am going to have such resolution to "do it" or rather enjoy it for long long time and "make it" or rather think it into a gooood blog to come, or rather it is in the "vortex" now,right at this moment already existed.

I sincerely do wish me good fortune to come. Welcome to planet earth "Vortex" or am I wrong to say it this way? Fault premises? As what have been said or rather preach by the Guru, our inner being.

Our inner being is the other part of our existence, or should say that we are the extension of our inner being or our non physical self, should't say self should say non physical pert of us. In Zen Buddhism, as I understand it, says that we come from the same source call Buddha Nature, everything has Buddha nature, we are made from the same substance, so do our material counter part of existence in this world. If I remember correctly, the Buddha says: "everything came from the mind alone." Direct translate from the Chinese scripture, every thing are made with mind only.